
Jan 25, 2025 | Philosophy | 0 comments

Man’s ineptitude is only disappointing when compared against expectations of competence. Man’s failures are only disheartening when met with expectations of success. Man’s setbacks are only discouraging when measured against expectations of effortless growth.

But life is not so simple. Life itself is a battle against the one unavoidable truth of the universe. Life is the force that will inevitably lose to entropy. Chaos never meant to let us build. Chaos is constant. The baseline. And life the gentle heartbeat we ride against all odds.

And against the destruction that surrounds us, we have built. And against the sterility of the universe, we have grown. And against the infinite nothingness, we have created.

Amongst the boundless chaos, Man has found our glorious, riotous moment.

Written By Sahil


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