It hurts when I wake up in the morning. But the boy gives me the nasty pill and I feel better. He gives me treats and he doesn’t get mad when I make a mess this time. He takes me out on a walk. He smiles but he smells sad. He doesn’t yell at me when I get excited and jump in the snow. He sits down where we met and he looks at me for a long time. I want to tell him I understand. I want to tell him I know why he’s sad. I want to tell him I have always been there for him. And that I will always be there. He tells me to sit. We watch the children playing. They’re all so happy. Like me. And I know things will be like this forever. The boy shows me a picture he takes of me. He smiles and he cries and I put my body against his. He picks me up and holds me in his warm coat. He hasn’t picked me up in a long time. I lick his face. The boy tells me about the day we met and I remember it. He seems so happy. I am happy too. He lifts me up and takes me to the car. He doesn’t tell me to stop when I put my head out the window and bark at the other cars on the way to the vet. We go to the vet a lot now. The boy carries me again. I like being carried. It makes me hurt less. He puts me on the table. I never get to go on the table. He tells me he loves me a lot of times and I love him too. I can’t wait until this trip is over so we can go back to the park. He puts his face in me. He says he doesn’t want it to hurt. He pinches me and he cries but I want to tell him it doesn’t hurt. Nothing hurts anymore. I feel happy and tired. Today was the best day ever.
I ask someone to homecoming. She says yes. I talk to my librarian about him. She hugs me while I cry. I get a 100 on my English essay. I leave school for a funeral. He was sixteen.